what the fuck am i doing?

Lately I have found myself increasingly lethargic. I lie in my bed, trying to find a comfortable position, baking in the heat, unable or unwilling to do anything about it. I go to sleep later and later each day, and wake up later still, unwilling to get up and start my day. When at last I do wake up, I barely actually start my day in any real sense, so much as I now have my eyes open and can sit and waste my hours.

It was early evening when I finally got around to taking a shower this Saturday. Before I did, I walked back into my bedroom in quest of something--but it had eluded my mind when I walked in the doorway. "What the fuck am I doing?" I asked myself aloud, and found that I was not asking what I was looking for in my room at all. I was asking something a lot more significant than that.


Kat said...

Ah, absolute lack of memory caused by heat and crotchetiness. Why does your memory get so screwed up at this time of year? Is it some kind of self-preservation? Because I left my soup in the fridge this morning and now I don't have any lunch and I don't see how that is helping me in the SLIGHTEST.

Anna K said...

You should tell the narrator that maybe he isn't moving his body so all the energy goes to his mind to fuel his upcoming cataclysmic, life-changing epiphany.

rs said...

It is proof that the sun and its heat is the natural enemy of the pallid-complected such as myself. I am at present gathering an army to wage war on the sun.

I bet the narrator could do with a good life-changing epiphany. Though the shocking slash horrifying ones are usually not very cool.

Poor fellow just wanted to take his early evening shower. Is that so much to ask?