that was easy

I want to make it perfectly clear that I do not try. Whatever I do, there is no effort involved. I do not spend time studying on tests, nor hours practicing my writing. I do not do exercises. I do not dwell on what I have read, trying to absorb the words or make sense of what an author has written. And yet I understand; I know what needs to be known without all of this effort.

I want to be amazing. I want to be remarkable. I want them to remember me, to think of me when they think of greatness. And I want to know this, and to smirk, satisfied--I have amazed them all without effort!

And when my friends strive, when they exert effort, practice, dwell, contemplate, I want to breeze past them, or come up just behind, a smug grin on my face, and say, "That was easy."

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